Monday, September 1, 2008

I will not become an advertising god

I recognize that there is a vast amount of talent all around me and I can see people going far here at the Circus and farther in their careers, but honestly, I'm not going to be one of them. Not that I don't want to work hard and get far in the business, but I doubt that I will become a career god. I will not be a Bernbach, Burnett, Ogilvy, Saatchi, or Chiat and that's not negative thinking folks. It's just not what I want out of this life. So many people think that their careers are their lives, but that's not how I want to live mine. I want to be a good husband first, a loving father second and an upstanding citizen third. It's may seem like idealistic 1950's crap and maybe that's why often times I feel like I've been born in the wrong century. We've gone from a society of men who carry pictures of their kids to ones that check their stock every 5 minutes. I'm making the choice to be the former.

"“Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant” - PT Barnum

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