Friday, August 29, 2008

"A picture's worth a thousand words. But a great picture can say everything."

Right now I am working on getting my work ready for panel in three weeks time and what has been drilled into my head this whole quarter is "Simplify, stupid". Not in those terms, but that's the message. Advertising is not an art where only 5% of people understand it. Good advertising is where everyone understands it. And in order to get it to the point of where everyone understands it, you have to simplify it.

To quote Bob Morrison, "Go out and hang with drunks. They'll give you an indication of what's a simple message." If drunks understand what your getting at, you got a simplified message.

So relating this all back to my work, I'm working with my AD partner Sarah on Artex Emergency Locators. She pitched the idea of having a thumbs up appearing out of the aftermath of an avalanche. Me, being the CW thought about what I could say in the headline. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that my writing really wouldn't add to the message of the photo and might actually detract from it. Of course selling a product, the name has to be in the corner and I do have, in my humble opinion, a kick ass tag.

Am I being lazy or should I just let it go? It's simple, conveys the point and with the kicking tag, it's a complete package.

Okay, so I haven't post the tag for fear of it being stolen and used in a campaign and then when I take it to panel, they'll say that they've already seen it, but I might as well share.

"Live to tell the story"

There. If someone has seen it before, let me know. I might have to go back to the writing board, but that might force me to make an even more kicker assier tag. Yes, kicker assier.